Use the HttpPostRequest Activity

Note: Use caution when building or editing a workflow. For further advice or to arrange training, contact your professional services consultant.

The HttpPosttRequest activity can be used to make a POST REST call to an authenticated Application Programming Interface (API) (for example: People - Create Person ebs service).

The HttpPostRequest activity is located in the REST section of the Tribal Toolbox.

Note: The minimum requirements for the HttpPostRequest activity are URL and Payload.

This activity contains the following relevant properties.

Section This field Holds this information...
Behaviour FailIfNotSuccessful

Whether the workflow must terminate if a successful response is received (for example: a 400 Bad Request error) - input true or false.

Note: The FailIfNotSuccessful property is set to false by default.

Inputs Accept

The accept header string value (for example: application/xml).

Note: The Accept property is set to application/json by default.

Authorization The authorisation header.

The content type header.

Note: The ContentType property is set to application/json by default.

PayLoad The payload or content of the request (for example: a string containing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) or Extensible Markup Language (XML) and so on).
QueryStringParameters The optional dictionary parameters (key/value string pairs) that will be automatically appended to the URL following the '?', separated by '&', with '=' inserted between the key and value.
RequestApiHeaders The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) headers (for example: Authorisation, Accept and Content-type).
URL The REST Service Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
Misc DisplayName

The title of the activity.

Note: The DisplayName property is set to HTTPPostRequest by default.

Outputs ResponseContent The output response, if any (for example: a string typically containing JSON or XML).
StatusCode The HTTP response code that indicates the status of the call to the web service (for example: 200, 401, 404, 503).

HttpPostRequest properties

Clicking the ellipsis button adjacent to the relevant field opens the Expression Editor, where you can enter the relevant code in the Visual Basic (VB) format.

Note: Refer to REST Services for further information and to ebs REST Documentation for descriptions of each service documented.

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